One Stop Studio
Check out the list below to view our most popular recording equipment
- API 1604
- Pro Tools
- Logic Pro X
- Ableton Live 10
- UA Apollo 16
- UA Apollo 8
- AKG C4000B (1)
- AKG D112
- Earthworks SR77 pair
- Neumann U67
- OG Neumann U47
- Royer 121 (2)
- Royer SF12 Stereo
- Sennheiser e602
- Sennheiser 421 (4)
- Shure SM7b (4)
- Shure SM81 (1)
- Shure SM57 (5)
- Shure SM58 (4)
- Schoeps 221A
- and more...
- Yamaha C7 Grand Piano with disklavier
- 81 Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty
- Fender Stratocaster
- PRS SC58
- Fender Jazz Bass (4 string and 5 string)
- Gibson J45 Acoustic
- Martin M36 Acoustic
- and more...
- TAMA Silverstar Birch 4-piece
- Pearl Masters Custom Maple 4-piece
- 78 Gibson Les Paul
- 81 Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty
- Fender Stratocaster
- PRS SC58
- Fender Jazz Bass (4 string and 5 string)
- Gibson J45 Acoustic
- Martin M36 Acoustic
- and more...
- 3RD Power Kitchen Sink Amp & 2x12 cab
- Fender Blues Deville 410 combo
- Mesa Triple Rectifier Amp & 4x10 cab
- Koch Classic Tone
- Ampeg 4x12 cab
- and more…
- Drawmer Stereo Compressor
- UA Classics LA2A (2)
- Vintage Urie 1176 - Rev H (2)
- Vintage Gates Staylevel
- Coil Audio CA-286S Mic/Line Amplifier(2)
- DBX 160 (2)
- DBX 160A
- BAE Dual 1073
- Primal Gear stereo compressor Type 4000
- Fractal Axe Fx-II
- Millennia HV35 (2)
- and more...
- Genelec 1037C (2)
- Genelec 7071A 2x12 subwoofer
- Yamaha NS 10 (2)
- JBL 4350A (2)
- Hear Back Headphone systems
- Tambo's, shakers, mallots, congos, and other fun stuff
- and more...